• ps1 lego island 2 bin format download


    ps1 lego island 2 bin format download

    Name: ps1 lego island 2 bin format download
    Category: Soft
    Published: stosarapcoa1972
    Language: English
























    Any help would be appreciated. I'm back on the road on Tuesday and need to get this resolved. I'm having 2 problems . Just upgraded my 8525 to the latest and greatest ROM. Well . greatest should really be within quotes. #1) I cannot use my phone thru DUN. I select Internet Sharing. Disable ActiveSync on my PC. Select PC Connection as USB and Network Connection as My ISP GPRS. When I connect the USB cable, I immediately get a message box that New Hardware has been found (Generic RNDIS). Windows (XP-SP2) then prompts me to install the drivers. I click Next but it does not find them and throws an error that Drivers could not be found. I've searched the internet and HTC sites in vain, but cannot find anything that helps. #2) When I connect my device using ActiveSync (4.5), I cannot get the device to use ActiveSync as a pass-thru for the internet. This results in any calls made to the internet to fail. Generic RNDIS Drivers not found & other Problems.




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